Alexandra speaks

Graphic Design
Website Design
in cooperation with Annd

A young powerful woman born in Africa and raised in Hamburg, Germany. She is a successful international moderator who also needed a visual representation in the form of a corporate identity for her appearance on stage. Her wish was to visually incorporate both cultures into her logo and use her love of bold colors.

What WE've created:

  • Coporate Identity, Logo

  • Website in progress, based on Wireframes

  • Social Media post

  • CV


Alexandra wanted a logo which reflected both of the countries she grew up in. She wanted it bold in typography as well as in color. The Website needed to work as an online portfolio for clients to contact her.

Design solution

Coporate Identity
For the visualization of her African and German culture, we chose the surface shape of Ghana and Hamburg. These two shapes defined the base of the logo and function well as design elements throughout other media. For the typography, we chose a bold font that is both modern, firm and present. The addition of "speaks" is a hand lettering font to emphasize the human personal touch that is a hallmark of her as a presenter. Both in combination result in a harmonious and meaningful overall design.

MY Design solution

I defined the structure of the one-pager in order to prioritize and define the amount of content. Based on this, the content is now integrated piece by piece. As a result, Alexandra will have an online presence to be able to address further potential customers and directly show what expertise she has and quickly show how her stage presence is based in the videos.

ANND has an outstanding sense and understanding of how to translate a briefing into an aesthetic CI/branding. During the collaboration, they understood how to shape my ideas into concrete examples of work and also how to present them holistically for future media applications. I am very satisfied and happy with the result!

Alexandra Antwi-Boasiako
